Here we go again...

Monday, February 16, 2009

I Only Asked For 1

WOW! Just when i started thinking thou hath for saken me....Bam! An amazing weekend with awsome people picks me right back up again. I guess you get exactly what you ask god for. I asked him for just one and he gave me 3. After suffering a hugh emotional blow just days before "i love you day" i was devasted and and angry. Im even positive that it was some kind of miss understanding due to some thing i wrote. What was fiction and creative writing got taking for facts and real events. Pity. I some how manage to not accept but live with the harsh feelings expressed towards me. Dont know how i did, but im proud of myself for maintaining my regal stance against being outright ignorant and weak. It felt like someone i trusted kicked and beat me when i was already down and out. As my heart woud have it, i wanted to act out, set the record straight. But what did i have to prove, or what did i owe? Nothing. This time i followed my head. It was like an epiphany! If you love some one or ever did, you just dont treat or deal with them like that. Simple. Its was all so simple. So after my whirlwind. I turned to people that really did love me and really are my friends... I went to dinner with an amazing guy. He has manage to genuinly love me with my flaws and all. I love him so dearly for that. Its hard enough accepting that I am not a perfect being and its divine when someone else can except that fact about me too and still want to be in my life. So my Valentines day started off with excitement and joy. Thank you! Valentines Day it self was some how still depressing because after work, after a whole day of seeing couples take a romantic trips together, i went home to be alone. I lost count of how many wedding rings i saw on x-ray. Tear drop. When will it be my turn? I digress. So as i get home about 8:15pm. I get undressed and get in bed. Im thinking a little t.v will easy my heavy thoughts. Damn! My satellite dish is messing up again, no t.v. So I turn to my trusty laptop to dilute my thoughts of running over asshole men. Not much luck there. I get a phone call, "hey i got the tickets, are you down to go?" I almost thought of saying no, but something made me say yes. I got showered, quickly got dressed and i was off to an upscale sold out comedy show with some cool headliners. Its so funny, He may not be there when you want him, but he's always on time!!! I loved every minute of it. Even the wack ass after party, it beat being in the house. I even arrived to a long stem red rose. How sweet. Some times it only takes one. One to restore just enough faith in relationships, men, and love to keep me holding on. It took someone who i havent seen in years to pick me up when i most needed it. He didnt even know what he was doing, but thanks. We danced all night to a horrific mix of old skool hip hop, reggae and house. Next to all to pimps and playas, the dons and the divas lol. When we finally had enough of the party we left out to say goodnight and part ways. While i was driving home, for a split second i wondered what was happening at this moment on flatbush, but the thought quickly past. I got home and went straight to sleep with a smile on my face. Jump in and get out was the plan. I Showered, shaved everythang, and put on my makeup. with my legs silky smooth i intended to show them off tonight. I should have known it was gonna be a great night because i wasnt even driving. She did it up in high style. We popped a bottle to set the night off right. We got to the club late. It was early for us but late for the line that went down the block. We waited in the freezing cold as long as we could, but a few transactions later and we were inside and ready to go all in. We spent the whole night partying in the V.I.P area with Assasin and Serani. Vibes was nice, and the drinks was stronge. It was her birthay party but it was my re-introduction to the single life. I looked amazing as did all in my crew. I caught a dub or two, and went home twisted. I had the best weekend ever. I coudnt have seen it coming. A week ago my love life was a mess, mainly because of how i choose to see it and the people i choose to put in substantial positions. Im to blame for that. Over the past week i found much solitude in being silent. I choose to take what was such a negative situation and make it work for me. So far so good. I wont say im 100% out the emotional blue but im really getting there and im trusting God to see me through. My condolences for the loss of your love one, i understand. And my sympathy to undeserving men, you just lost one.

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