Here we go again...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dear Santa

I dont want for much, just a few shiny things. A new car, some new shoes and some shiny christmas bling. I really want a lace front but santa dont know what that is, so i'll settle for a check, made out to celebrity wigs! I also want some new clothes, i deserve some new digs. Just a few names Santa, Christain Louboutin, Dior, Gucci, LV and more, just add these to your list. I want snow on Christmas day, I want a puppy, and a male model that will stay. Just make sure he's straight, or him and George can go on a date. I want true friends, a few young ladies that will hold me down to the end. Boys come and go, but i really need someone to fill the bridesmaid position. I want an angel with large wings that doubles as arms and really take me in. Im not selfish Santa so i also want world peace, but that would put me out of a job so instead just send them all an Old Navy performance fleece.

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