Here we go again...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Im not coming out of my room!

Im not coming out of my room. Dont knock on my door. Im not ready for the world yet or is the world not ready for me? Either way i not coming out my room!
Im not coming out my room until my parents stop arguing. I not coming out my room until i have my own apartment. Im not coming out my room untill i get a career and not a job. Im not coming out m room until i graduated for the last time. Im not coming out my room until the world changes. Im not coming out my room until my sister moves back to New York City. Im not coming out my room until I can shop like Carrie. Im not coming out my room until im honored for my natural ability to be a great friend. I not coming out of my room until i find my husband. Im not coming out of my room until im on HDTV. Im not coming out until i get my very own reality show. Im not coming out of my room until I finish my first novel. Im not coming out of my room until i lose 35lbs. Im not coming out of my room until i feel im a woman. Im not coming out of my room until i have had a childhood. Im not coming out of my room until i learn to cook like my mother. Im not coming out of my room until health care is universal. Im not coming out of my room until I can see the ocean from my front steps. Im not coming out of my room until i have a child. Im not coming out until O.J admitts he did it. Im not coming out my room until my dad is elected to a political office. Im not coming out my room until white people stop messing with wild animals. Im not coming out of my room until my mother admitts her age, her real age. Im not coming out my room until Hip Hop is alive and well. Im not comng out my room until being an attractive dark skin woman isnt a shock to people. Im not coming out my room until highly populated minority areas are not last on the list for federal aid after a natural disaster. Im not coming out until theres justice for Sean Bell. Im not coming out my room until they find out who killed Christopher Wallace. Im not coming out my room until Barack Obama is elected President of the U.S.A. I not coming out my room until i achieve my personal goals. Im not coming out my room until my family apologizes to each other. Im not coming out my room until smoking weed is legalized. Im not coming out my room until America stops expoiting smaller middle eastern countries. Im not coming out my room until a college education isnt big business. Im not coming out my room until my family has a big reunion at my granma house. Im not coming out my room until theres restitution for salery. Im not coming out my room untill I feel its safe.
But being a person of common sense, faith and wisdom....I know for all of these things to come to pass, I must come out of my room. So on that note... I got to go find something appropriate to wear.

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